The Manawatū River Source to Sea Collective is made up of representatives of Environment Network Manawatū member groups who collaborate and converse for improved outcomes for our awa and its catchment.
The collective is made up of the following groups:
Awahuri Forest Kitchener ParkTrust
DOC Manawatū Wairarapa District Office
Green Corridors Range to River
Manawatū Walkways Promotion Society
Ngā Kaitiaki ō Rerengā Rauropi
RECAP: The Society for the Resilience and Engagement of the Community of Ashhurst and Pohangina Inc.
Te Ao Turoa (Environmental Advisory Office of Tanenuiarangi Manawatu Inc)
About the Collective
The Manawatū River Source to Sea Collective holds two projects; the Plastic Pollution Challenge and the Ruahine Kiwi. It also guides the direction of the Palmerston North Repair Cafe.
The collective is guided by a management group who meet once a month to discuss the direction of the collective.
Monthly Meetings
The collective holds meetings on the first Wednesday of every other month from 5pm-7pm at the ENM offices, 145 Cuba Street, Palmerston north every month except for January.
The event includes the opportunity to network, and a light supper followed by a formal meeting.
Click here to email the coordinator and get involved in a meeting.